
The Salem Macintosh Users Group meets  at 7 pm on the second Tuesday of each month at Center50+ located at 2615 Portland Road NE in Salem Oregon.d

The July meeting was cancelled at the last minute due to 101+ ℉ heat, and most of the membership being unable to attend.  Traditionally SMUG does not meet in August.

The next meeting at Center50+ will be on Tuesday September 10, please join us there.   You can also join the meeting online at this Zoom Link.  Note that we close the Zoom session if no one has joined by 7:30.

Upcoming Meetings

Meetings begin with a Q&A session where you can learn MacOS and iOS tips and tricks from fellow SMUG members and our resident Apple and Cisco certified technical experts.

The meetings are preceded by a SMUG board of directors meeting beginning at 6:00 pm. Board meetings are open to any interested parties.

Expected topics for presentations at future meetings:

  • September – iPhone Photography
  • October – TBD.  
  • November – TBD.   

Suggestions for presentation topics are always welcome, especially if suggested by a willing presenter.

The Price Is Right

About a year and a half ago I mentioned Affinity Photo in an article the Webmaster’s Blog. It’s a fully capable Photoshop replacement that is a one-time purchase instead of a monthly subscription.  Affinity is offering a half-price sale through August 15th and there is a six-month free trial offer on their website now.  Their line-up includes  Affinity Photo2, but Affinity Designer2, their Illustrator clone, and Affinity Publisher2, their In Design clone.  It’s available for both MacOS and iPadOS.   If you’re a PhotoShop, Illustrator, or In Design user, give Affinity a try.   I use these and like them, and you can’t beat the price.

SMUG on Facebook

Visit our Facebook Page, and leave a comment with your suggestion for future meeting topics!

Members’ Pages

Members with information to share with the community now have a members page.

Members who would like to have information posted can contact Richard, the SMUG webmaster at admin@oregonapples.org.