August 11th, 2020

John Walker opened the meeting at 6:10 pm.   

Board Members Present: John Walker, Donna Pikl, Ty Davison, Richard Milewski, and Donita Zwalok.

Board Members Absent: Warren King

Ty Davison moved to accepted minutes as e-mailed. Richard Milewski second the motion.  The motion was passed unanimously.

Ty Davison received all Treasurers material after the death of Evelynn Smith.  Discussion followed as to where the materials would be kept and it was decided that Ty Davison will deliver them to Donna Pikl’s house Friday the 14th at 10am. 

A motion was made by Richard Milewski to remove Evelynn Smith from the bank account and place Donna Pikl in her place while retaining John Walker and Donita Zwalok as signers on the account.  Ty Davison second the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

The presentation for Aug. 11-2020 was “Apple Mail and it’s alternatives”. 
September 2020 presentation is “Favorite IOS Apps”. 
October will be Apple Messages App. and November’s presentation will be decided in September. 
December will possibly be “Presentation on New Apple Products”.

John Walker adjourned the meeting at 6:49 pm.

Respectfully submitted by,

Donna Pikl
Board Secretary

July 14th, 2020

John Walker opened the meeting.
Minutes were moved to accept by Ty Davison and 2nd by Richard Milewski.
Treasurers report was the same as in June and it was approved.
August meeting will be Apple Mail and other alternatives.
September meeting is to be on Favorite iOS apps.
We clarified that dues will start fresh when we start in house meetings again.
John Walker closed the meeting