Jan.14th meeting was called to order at 6:17 pm by Warren King. Motion made to approve the minutes, seconded and approved. Treasurers report Balance as of Dec.31st was $591.84, and I had two checks amounting to $60. and I pd. $120. for 3 months of rent. The report was accepted as read. Feb.11th meeting is Password and Key Chain. Lots of discussion on password. March topic not clarified, but Apr. could be Spread sheets and Numbers. Meeting adjourned 6:53. --Donna Pikl
Author: Richard
December 10th, 2024
Meeting was called to order by Warren King VP at 6:25 PM. Treasures report $651.84 + $60. just deposited and a check was just written for $120. for dues through Dec. Discussion on reminding that dues were due in October. I will send out reminder. They were moved and seconded to approve the minutes. Program for Jan. 2025 is on Keyboard shortcuts and much discussion on operating systems. Program for Feb. 2025 Password Mgr./Key Chain. General Meeting for election would be officers stay where you are. Meeting closed 6:54 PM --Donna Pikl
September 10, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 6:09 PM by John Walker, President.
Warren King moved to accept the minutes of the June meeting be accepted as emailed. Henry N. seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s report: Donna Pikl reported that the beginning balance in the checking account is $661.84. The Board authorized Donna to pay $160.00 to Center 50+ for the use of the meeting rooms for the last four meetings. This will leave the club with a balance of $501.84.
Tonight’s meeting will be on using your iPhone for photography.
It was mentioned that settings for the key board may be a potential topic.
The October meeting will be on 3D printing led by Richard M. with Henry N. in support.
The November meeting will be Apple updates with Ty Davison Also, the slate of officers for the next year will be presented at this meeting.
The December meeting will be the election of officers, Christmas party, and sharing favorite apps.
Donna suggested that all of the Board members share their phone numbers with one another so we can contact one another in case of emergency or to change or cancel a meeting due to weather. The Board thought this was a good idea. The Board members will give their numbers to Donna who will collect and then distribute them to all the Board members.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 PM by John Walker
June 11th, 2024
I. The meeting was called to order by John Walker at 6:14 pm on 6/11/24.
II. Present
A. Board members:
a) John Walker, Warren King, John Schmotzer, Richard Milewski, Donna Pikl
2. At large board members:
a) Ty Davison
3. A quorum was present.
B. Total at meeting:
1. Present: 7
2. Zoom: 3
III. Minutes review:
A. A motion to accept the minutes of the May 14, 2024 meeting was made,
seconded and the motion carried.
IV. Treasurer’s report:
A. Donna reported that the account balance as of May 31 was $ 661.84.
1. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made, seconded and the
motion carried.
2. Moved and seconded to pay for April, May, June fee for meeting room.
Passed. $120.
a) Has not been paid as of this meeting.
V. Old Business:
1. Review Future presentations
a) June – World Wide Developers Conference
b) July – iPhone photos
c) Sept – Ad blocking, plus
B. New Business:
1. None
VI. Standing items:
A. None
VII. Tabled items:
A. Mentoring Program:
VIII.Action items:
A. None
IX. Adjournment:
A. The meeting was adjourned @ 6:47 pm.
By: John Schmotzer, Secretary
May 14th, 2024
I. The meeting was called to order by John Walker at 6:14 pm on 5/14/24.
II. Present
A. Board members:
a) John Walker, Warren King, John Schmotzer, Donna Pikl, Richard Milewski
2. At large board members:
a) Donita Zwolak
3. A quorum was present.
B. Total at meeting:
1. Present: 9
2. Zoom: 0 (No zoom this meeting)
III. Minutes review:
A. There were no minutes kept at the last meeting.
IV. Treasurer’s report:
A. Donna reported that the account balance as of April 30 was $ 661.84.
1. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made, seconded and the
motion carried.
2. Moved and seconded to pay for April, May, June fee for meeting room.
Passed. $120
V. Old Business:
1. Review Future presentations
a) June – World Wide Developers Conference
b) July – iPhone photos
c) Sept – ?
2. In our January meeting, Henry brought up adding a description of the
meetings to Facebook page.
a) There are concerns that this might not be useful and is not being perused
at this point.
B. New Business:
1. None
VI. Standing items:
A. None
VII. Tabled items:
A. Mentoring Program:
VIII.Action items:
A. None
IX. Adjournment:
A. The meeting was adjourned @ 6:45pm.
By: John Schmotzer, Secretary
A.I. Short Takes
To complement Henry’s Short Takes presentation this month, I wanted to bring attention to three fun A.I. image generation apps running on Apple Silicon.
Diffusers from HuggingFace is the simplest of the three. It’s free in the Mac app store and lets you create images from text prompts. It is less capable than the other apps mentioned here, but by far the simplest to use.
DiffusionBee is a free A.I. app in the Mac App Store that can quickly and easily generate images from text prompts or other images. It has an easy to learn interface and produces much better pictures than I was able generate using OpenAI’s Dall-e in our SMUG meeting late last year. DiffusionBee is built on StabilityAI’s Stable Diffusion technology.
Draw Things is another free A.I. app in the App Store, remarkably it also runs on iPhones and iPads. The UI for Draw Things is considerably more extensive than that for DiffusionBee and it takes a bit more effort to produce a good image, but it can provide spectacular results.
All of these apps can use any of the tens of thousands of Stable Diffusion Models available from HuggingFace.co and CIVITAI.com. CIVITAI also has hundreds of thousands of A.I. generated images. (FULL DISCLOSURE: The site is pretty much uncensored).
Finally, if you don’t have a device with Apple Silicon available, many of the models can run on the HuggingFace website. For a fun image generator that uses both a text prompt and a starter image, try the InstantID demo on HuggingFace. Upload a picture of yourself and regenerate it in any of 9 different styles. Each time you run it you get a new interpretation.
There are lots of other Stable Diffusion UIs around, including those for generating Audio and Video, but the three presented here are my recommendation for a place to start learning about Stable Diffusion image generation.
March 12th, 2024
I. The meeting was called to order by John Walker at 6:12 pm on 3/12/24.
II. Present
Board members:
John Walker, Warren King, John Schmotzer, Donna Pikl, Richard Milewski, Ty Davison, Donita Zwolak
A quorum was present.
Total at meeting:
1. Present: 10
2. Zoom: 0
III. Minutes review:
A motion to accept the amended minutes of the February 13, 2023 meeting was made, seconded and the motion carried.
IV. Treasurer’s report:
Donna reported that the account balance as of Feb. 30 was $ 751.84. Thirty dollars in dues not deposited yet.
1. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made, seconded and the motion carried.
2. $120 check was given to Center 50+ for meeting room rent.
V. Old Business:
1. Review Future presentations
a) March – Firefox update
b) April – Apple Vision and New iPads if updated
c) May – Henry short takes (open for requests)
d) June – World Wide Developers Conference
e) July – iPhone photos?
2. In our January meeting, Henry brought up adding a description of the meetings to Facebook page.
a) Q and A – Record question and answer in a line or two, send to Henry
b) This hasn’t happened yet. The idea seems to be that each of us send Henry our thoughts on the meeting. Then he will create a summary for posting on facebook. It is hoped that this will help people checking on the page to see what we do.
B. New Business:
1. We helped Donna clean up the SMUG members list.
VI. Standing items:
A. Donna – Zelle is only for individuals not groups
VII. Tabled items:
A. Mentoring Program:
VIII. Action items:
A. None
IX. Adjournment:
A. The meeting was adjourned @ 6:51pm.
By: John Schmotzer, Secretary
February 13, 2024
I. The meeting was called to order by at 6:12 pm.
II. Members Present
A. Board Members:
John Walker, Warren King, John Schmotzer, Donna Pikl, Richard Milewski, Henry Neugass, Ty Davison, Donita Zwolak
A quorum was present.
B. Total at meeting:
1. Present: 14
2. Zoom: 1
III. Minutes review:
A. A motion to accept the minutes of the February 13, 2023 meeting was made, seconded and the motion carried.
IV. Treasurer’s report:
A. Donna reported that the account balance as of Jan. 30 was $ 751.84.
1. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made, seconded and the motion carried.
2. It was decided to pay quarterly.
V. Old Business:
1. Review Future presentations
a) March – Firefox update
b) April – Apple Vision and New iPads if updated
c) May – Henry short takes (open for requests)
d) June – ?
2. In our January meeting, Henry brought up adding a description of the meetings to Facebook page.
a) Q and A – Record question and answer in a line or two, send to Henry
b) Hasn’t happened yet
VI. New Business:
1. Ty shared about his experience with Apple Vision Pro
VII. Standing items:
A. None
VIII. Tabled items:
A. Mentoring Program:
IX. Action items:
A. None
X. Adjournment:
A. The meeting was adjourned @ 6:58 pm.
By: John Schmotzer, Secretary
January 9th, 2024
I. The meeting was called to order at 6:16 pm.
II. Present
1. Board members:
a) John Walker, Warren King, John Schmotzer, Donna Pikl, Richard Milewski
2. At large board members:
a) Henry Neugass, , Ty Davison, , Donita Zwolak
3. A quorum was present.
B. Total at meeting:
1. Present: 11
2. Via Zoom: 0
III. Minutes review:
A. A motion to accept the minutes of the December 12, 2023 meeting was made,
seconded and the motion carried.
IV. Treasurer’s report:
A. Donna reported that the account balance as of Dec. 31 was $ 751.84.
1. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made, seconded and the motion carried.
2. It was decided to wait to pay the rent until notified.
V. Old Business:
1. Review Future presentations
a) Tonight: Jan – Members demo apps or websites
b) Feb – Decluttering your computer
c) March – Firefox update
d) April – Apple Vision and New IPads if updated
VI. New Business:
1. Henry brought up adding a description of the meetings to Facebook page.
a) Q and A – Record question and answer in a line or two, send to Henry
2. Meet Up – as a possibility for increasing membership was discussed.
a) Costs prohibitive regardless of effectiveness.
3. May presentation – Henry short takes?
VII. Standing items:
A. None
VIII. Tabled items:
A. Mentoring Program:
IX. Action items:
A. None
IX. Adjournment:
A. The meeting was adjourned @ 6:52 pm.
By: John Schmotzer, Secretary
December 12th, 2023
The meeting was called to order by at 6:13 pm.
I. Present
A. Board members:
Ty Davison, Warren King, Richard Milewski, Donna Pikl, Henry Neugass, Donita Zwolak
A quorum was present.
B. Total at meeting:
Present: 11, Zoom: 0
II. Minutes review:
A motion to accept the minutes of the November 12, 2023 meeting was made, seconded and the motion carried.
III. Treasurer’s report:
Donna reported that the account balance as of the end of Nov. 30 was $ 871.84.
A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made, seconded and the motion carried.
Motion to leave a check for the rent in the office was made, seconded and the motion carried.
IV. Old Business:
At the general meeting the slate of officers listed below were elected:
1. President: John Walker
2. Vice President: Warren King
3. Secretary: John Schmotzer
4. Treasurer: Donna Pikl
5. Webmaster: Richard Milewski
6. At large board members: Henry Neugass, Ty Davison, Donita Zwolak
V. New Business:
1. Future presentations
a) Jan – Members demo apps or websites
b) Feb – Decluttering your computer
c) March – Firefox update
d) April – ? New IPads? Apple Vision?
VI. Standing items:
VII. Tabled items:
Mentoring Program
VIII.Action items:
IX. Adjournment:
The meeting was adjourned @ 6:53 pm.