May 14th, 2024

I. The meeting was called to order by John Walker at 6:14 pm on 5/14/24.
II. Present
A. Board members:
a) John Walker, Warren King, John Schmotzer, Donna Pikl, Richard Milewski
2. At large board members:
a) Donita Zwolak
3. A quorum was present.
B. Total at meeting:
1. Present: 9
2. Zoom: 0 (No zoom this meeting)
III. Minutes review:
A. There were no minutes kept at the last meeting.
IV. Treasurer’s report:
A. Donna reported that the account balance as of April 30 was $ 661.84.
1. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made, seconded and the
motion carried.
2. Moved and seconded to pay for April, May, June fee for meeting room.
Passed. $120
V. Old Business:
1. Review Future presentations
a) June – World Wide Developers Conference
b) July – iPhone photos
c) Sept – ?
2. In our January meeting, Henry brought up adding a description of the
meetings to Facebook page.
a) There are concerns that this might not be useful and is not being perused
at this point.
B. New Business:
1. None
VI. Standing items:
A. None
VII. Tabled items:
A. Mentoring Program:
VIII.Action items:
A. None
IX. Adjournment:
A. The meeting was adjourned @ 6:45pm.
By: John Schmotzer, Secretary