February 8th, 2021

Those present were John Walker, Ty Davison, Richard Milewski, Donna Pikl, Donita Zwolak

John Walker opened the meeting at 6:12 pm.

It was moved and seconded that the minutes be accepted as emailed, it unanimously passed.

Treasurers report the same ongoing balance.  Donita will go to the bank in Stayton to get the mailing address of the statements changed to new address.

March meeting will be on Notes and Reminders presented by Ty or Dynee.  It was suggested that all of us might play with it a bit to see if we have questions to bring up at the meeting.

April meeting on Systems Preference and operating system enhancements.

 May presentation could be on Big Sur—it’s too far out right now for Ty to say that we’ll be recommending it then, and he doesn’t want to present on a system I’m not recommending. 
Meeting ended at 6:54 pm.

Donna Pikl,