January 11th, 2022

John Walker opened the meeting at 6:07 pm.

Ty made the motion to accept the minutes as emailed and Henry 2nd the motion and it passed unanimously.

Treasurers report was a balance of $371.84.

Ty was to talk present on Mail program.

John Walker asked if the entire slate of officers was accepted, and it accepted John Walker as President, Warren King as Vice President, Donna Pikl as Sec./Treasurer, Richard Milewski as Web Master, Ty Davison, Donita Zwolak, Ron Dixon and Henry Neugass as board members at large.

There was no desire for in person meeting since the Covid numbers were climbing again.  We will continue with Zoom for the near future.

February meeting will be on Pages, March meeting on Numbers, April meeting on Keynote, and May on Montery 12.1, and June possibly on Maps (which might be fun).

We will ask for suggestions at the General Meeting.

John Walker closed the board meeting at 6:32pm

Donna Pikl