February 8th 2022

Minutes of Board Meeting February 8th, 2022.

Board Members: John Walker, President; Warren King, V. President; Donna Pikl, Secretary/Treasurer; Richard Milewski, Webmaster; Donita Zwolak, Ty Davison, Ron Dixon and Henry Neugass, Board Members at Large.

John Walker opened the meeting at 6:10 PM, and all board members were present except Ty Davison and Warren King.

Ron Dixon felt that the Board members should all be listed at the top of the minutes.

Ron Dixon moved and Richard seconded the acceptance of the January minutes as amended, and they passed unanimously.

Treasurers Report: $371.84 balance ending Jan. 31.

The March meeting topic will be Numbers, the April meeting Keynote and the May meeting MacOS Monterey 12.1. The June meeting topic is scheduled to be Maps.

Dynee suggested accessibility features possibly be presented in July or sooner. All agreed it would be a great topic.

It was decided to keep meetings on Zoom until all felt more comfortable meeting in person.   A hybrid meeting was discussed when we did meet in person.

There were 7 board members and 2 general members present for the board meeting.

John Walker adjourned the meeting at 6:37 PM.

There were 14 members present for the general meeting.

Dynee Medlock presented in place of Ty Davison.

Donna Pikl, Secretary/Treasurer