September 13th, 2022

The meeting was called to order by John Walker at 6:05 pm.

Board members present: John Walker, Donna Pikl (late), Richard Milewski, Ron Dixon, Ty Davison,
Donita Zwolak, Henry Neugass. A quorum was present.

Minutes review:

A motion to accept the minutes of the July 12, 2022 meeting as e-mailed was made, seconded and

Treasurer’s report:

No report.

Old Business:

After a discussion about the status of Covid and the financial needs of the organization, a motion to
resume in-person meetings beginning with the October 11th meeting was made, seconded and carried.

It was agreed that the collection of dues will commence at that meeting. The dues system will be modified
so that they will be due each October instead of on the anniversary of the member’s joining. Dues will
remain at $30 per year. Those joining during the year will be charged at the rate $2.50 per month until the
following October. Additionally, those members choosing to attend the meetings via Zoom will be charged
the same amount.

The number of attendees at the May Zoom general meeting was 9.
Tonight’s presentation will be on Syncing and will be presented by Kelly Robison of MacAtoZ and Richard
Milewski. Future presentations were reviewed and the October presentation was changed to New Apple
Products. . The HomeKit presentation was moved to January. In summary the presentations are:
September: Sync, October: New Apple Products, November: Shortcuts, December: Extended Q&A +
Members Show & Tell: New and Interesting Software & Websites, and January: Apple HomeKit.

The subject of a mentoring program will remain tabled until after the October meeting.

New Business:

Based upon her response to the in-person questionnaire, Evelyn Gatlin will be removed from the
membership list.

There was a discussion about the new electronics maker space on SE 22nd Ave and whether it may be a
candidate for future meetings of SMUG. It appears to be premature to consider but we will keep an eye
on it’s development.

John reminded the group that we must begin the process of identifying individuals to serve on the Board.
The process is:

  • October – appoint a nominating committee;
  • November – present proposed slate of officers to the membership;
  • December – vote by general membership.

Action items:

1. Investigate Spark Studio facilities – Richard


John closed the Board Meeting @ 6:45 pm.

Ron Dixon
Interim Secretary