February 14th, 2023

The meeting was called to order by John Walker at 6:25 pm.

Board members present: John Walker, Warren King, Donna Pikl (via Zoom), Donita Zwolak (via Zoom), Richard Milewski, Ron Dixon. A quorum was present.

Minutes review:

A motion to accept the minutes of the January 10, 2023 meeting was made, seconded and carried.

Treasurer’s report:

The beginning balance was $731.84. Dues were collected from 2 member totaling $ 60.00. There were no expenditures. Current total balance is $ 791.84. Donna noted that Umpqua Bank is in the final process of purchasing our current bank, Columbia.

Old Business:
Action items:
  • John reported that the facilities contract was being prepared by Center 50+.
  • Richard reported on the SMUG website. Richard reminded Board members that he needs a short bio of each of the officers for the web site. He will be posting the organizational by-laws shortly.
Standing items:
  • Attendance at the November meeting was 6 in-person and 6 on Zoom.
  • Program – The March presentation will be Apple HomeKit and the April presentation will be on the Ventura operating system for Macs. Ideas for May included Henry’s postponed presentation on Mac Short-Takes.
Tabled items:
  • Spark Studio – Nothing new to report.
  • Mentoring Program – tabled indefinitely.
  • Dues collection via website – to be discussed at a future date
New Business:
  • None.
Action items:
  1. Facilities contract – John
  2. Clarify number of remaining pre-paid facility fees – John
  3. Web site changes – Richard


John adjourned the Board Meeting @ 6:48 pm.

By: Ron Dixon, Secretary