John Walker opened the meeting at 6:19 pm.
Board Members Present: Ty Davison, Donna Pikl, Donita Zwolak, Warren King, & John
Walker. – Warren King has Richard Milewski’s proxy.
Board Members Absent: Richard Milewski., Ron Dixon, Henry Neugass
Ty Davison moved that the minutes of the last meeting be approved with one
correction. Warren King seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report; $851.84 and Donna is still looking for checks. We owe $190.00
for room rent.
Now that we know what we owe, Warren moved that the pay the bill. Ty seconded
the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
The Board discussed the topic, “How can we attract new people to the meetings?”
- Are our subjects or topics too far above the level of the membership?
- Can we put up notices in Center 50+?
The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm for the Q & A session.
Meeting in Person attendance: 6
Meeting Zoom Attendance: 0
Respectfully submitted by:
John Walker, substitute secretary.