March 8th 2022

The meeting was called to order by John Walker at 6:08 pm.

Board members present: John Walker, Donna Pikl, Richard Milewski, Ron Dixon, Ty Davison, Henry Neugass, Donita Zwolak. A quorum was present.

Minutes review:

A motion to accept the minutes of the February 8, 2022 meeting as emailed was made, seconded and carried.

Treasurer’s report:

There were no expenditures and the account balance remains at $371.84.

Old Business:

General meeting topics were reviewed and discussed and it was agreed to continue with current plans. Tonight’s presentation will be Numbers and Ty will be the presenter. Ty will also give a quick update on today’s announcement from Apple. April’s topic will be Keynote.

The return to in-person meetings was discussed. Ty felt the current infection rate was still too high and, in addition, had questions and concerns about air handling and other safety practices at the Center 50+. Others had similar questions and concerns. John will contact Center 50+ to answer our questions and concerns and to clarify their requirements for holding in-person meetings. The Board agreed that it was too early to return to in-person meetings and we will continue with Zoom meetings for the near term.

Richard asked John to ask Center 50+ about early access to the meeting room. He is working on developing the technology for us to have hybrid in-person/Zoom meetings. He will need a minimum of 20 minutes to setup the system before each meeting. Richard also asked John to inquire about a contact for adding SMUG information to various Center 50+ monitors.

New Business:

Donna has resigned as the group’s secretary but has agreed to remain as treasurer for the time being. Ron volunteered to replace her. A motion to appoint Ron as Interim Secretary for the remainder of Donna’s term was made, seconded and carried.

Ron asked if the Secretary was responsible for maintaining an archive of Board minutes. It was decided there was no need since the minutes are kept on the web site.

Ty reported finding some problems with the group’s web site (spelling and password processing). Richard will investigate.

There was a discussion of how to handle the renewal of membership dues once we return to in-person meetings. Ron suggested that we change to yearly dues based upon an even monthly amount with a fixed renewal date for all members. For example: $36 dollars per year due on January 1st. Then new members joining during the dues year would pay a prorated amount (annual dues/12 * number of months remaining until the new dues year). He believes that this would simplify the Treasure’s job. This item will be discussed at a future Board meeting.

Ty updated the Board on the status of personnel at MacAtoZ.

Action items:

  1. Richard will follow up on reported web site problems.
  2. John will follow up on questions and concerns about Center 50+.


John Walker closed the Board Meeting @ 6:48 pm.

Ron Dixon
Interim Secretary

February 8th 2022

Minutes of Board Meeting February 8th, 2022.

Board Members: John Walker, President; Warren King, V. President; Donna Pikl, Secretary/Treasurer; Richard Milewski, Webmaster; Donita Zwolak, Ty Davison, Ron Dixon and Henry Neugass, Board Members at Large.

John Walker opened the meeting at 6:10 PM, and all board members were present except Ty Davison and Warren King.

Ron Dixon felt that the Board members should all be listed at the top of the minutes.

Ron Dixon moved and Richard seconded the acceptance of the January minutes as amended, and they passed unanimously.

Treasurers Report: $371.84 balance ending Jan. 31.

The March meeting topic will be Numbers, the April meeting Keynote and the May meeting MacOS Monterey 12.1. The June meeting topic is scheduled to be Maps.

Dynee suggested accessibility features possibly be presented in July or sooner. All agreed it would be a great topic.

It was decided to keep meetings on Zoom until all felt more comfortable meeting in person.   A hybrid meeting was discussed when we did meet in person.

There were 7 board members and 2 general members present for the board meeting.

John Walker adjourned the meeting at 6:37 PM.

There were 14 members present for the general meeting.

Dynee Medlock presented in place of Ty Davison.

Donna Pikl, Secretary/Treasurer

January 11th, 2022

John Walker opened the meeting at 6:07 pm.

Ty made the motion to accept the minutes as emailed and Henry 2nd the motion and it passed unanimously.

Treasurers report was a balance of $371.84.

Ty was to talk present on Mail program.

John Walker asked if the entire slate of officers was accepted, and it accepted John Walker as President, Warren King as Vice President, Donna Pikl as Sec./Treasurer, Richard Milewski as Web Master, Ty Davison, Donita Zwolak, Ron Dixon and Henry Neugass as board members at large.

There was no desire for in person meeting since the Covid numbers were climbing again.  We will continue with Zoom for the near future.

February meeting will be on Pages, March meeting on Numbers, April meeting on Keynote, and May on Montery 12.1, and June possibly on Maps (which might be fun).

We will ask for suggestions at the General Meeting.

John Walker closed the board meeting at 6:32pm

Donna Pikl

December 14th, 2021

Ty Davison called the meeting to order at 6:04 P.M.
Ty moved to approve the minutes of November board meeting as emailed  and Richard 2nd, they were unanimously approved.
Treasures report was the same at $371.84 as bank balance.  I, Donna Pikl, is to check with the bank to make sure no fees are not taken out while no activity is on account.
John Walker took care of the 50+ Center inquiring as to delay of meeting in public due to more Covid outbreaks.
December meeting will have a slate of officers, Q&A untimed, Apps of interest, and Ty will give Apple update & Monterey information.
January of 2022 will be on Pages. 
We will present at meeting to accept the slate of officers as a whole.
New Business, much discussion on upcoming meetings and advanced Covid variants.
Ty closed the meeting at 6:43 P.M. 

November 9th, 2021

The meeting was called to order by John Walker November 9, 2021 at 6:11 pm.  Board members present were John Walker, Ty Davison, Richard Milewski, Donna Pikl, and Donita Zwolak.

Ty moved to accept minutes as emailed, Richard 2nd and they were unanimously approved.

Discussion on the possibility of Bank Charges if no activity was shown on the account.  Donna Pikl was to talk to the bank.

Ty will speak tonight on various Apple Products.

Ron Dixon offered to be a Board member where needed.  Ron Dixon was nominated for a Member-At-Large position.

It was suggested that we Draft Henry Neugass for a Board-Member-At-Large position also.

December meeting will be the presenting of officers, voting, and unlimited Q & A.  Also, Apps. of interest.

There was discussion on Monterey testing and it’s flaws.  

January 2022 meeting is on Mail.  It was suggested that maybe we could do Pages, Numbers, Key Note, and more taking one a month. They will still need to make the final cut.

John Hammil asked if someone would take the Center 50+ questions for Apple Products?

Questions arose on when to return to Center 50+ for in person meetings.

John Walker closed the Board Meeting @ 6:45 pm.

Donna PIkl

October 12th, 2021

SMUG Minutes 10/12/21

John Walker opened the meeting at 6:06 P.M.

Ty Davison moved that we accept the minutes from Sept. and Richard Milewski seconded and they were approved.

Treasurers report had a balance of $371.84, with a 4 months credit at Center 50+.

The meeting was to be on mail alternatives on varied devices, but instead Ty spoke to us on new products.

November meeting Ty will speak on various products.  We are encouraged to bring Turkey recipes.  Officier Candidates will be presented to be voted on in December.

Richard Milewski moved that we add additional new member’s at large, Ty seconded and it was approved.

December meeting will be election of candidates presented, unlimited Q & A and new Apps. & Websites people have found.

Ty gave some comments on spam.

Board meeting closed at 6:43 pm by John Walker.

Donna Pikl,

September 14th, 2021

Meeting was called to order 9-14-21 by John Walker.  The meeting was being recorded.  Dynee Medlock was suggested to be proxy for Ty Davison who could not attend. 

A motion was made and second to approve the minutes from July (since we didn’t meet in August).

It was confirmed that we have 4 months prepaid (credit) at Center 50+. When we do meet in person at 50+, it will require masks and we can only eat food that we bring for ourselves.  Richard Milewski suggested that we wait until November to do in-person meetings.  We will evaluate month to month due to the number of new cases of Covid.

Dynee will speak tonight on iPhone Apps.

Octobers meeting will be on mail alternatives on varied devices.

November Meeting will be Turkey recipes, New products, new officer candidates, so we can vote on the new slate of officers in December.

We discussed mail and the board meeting was closed.

July 13th, 2021

July meeting of 7/13/21 was unofficial because there was not a quorum.

Some discussion on possible hybrid meeting when we return to Center 50+, along with Zoom.

Minutes— no quorum.

Sept. Zoom  for Ty’s presentation.

October- Mail Alternative/ Richard/Ty or whoever for iPads and phones.

Nov. Share Turkey Recipes and New Apple Products.

Dec. Election and New Slate of officers.

Q&A  "Where does my stuff go”.

The rest just evolved into varied discussions.

Donna Pikl,

May 11th, 2021

May 11, 2021

Meeting was called to order at 6:06 PM by John Walker.

It was moved and seconded that we accept the minutes for April as emailed.  It pass unanimously.

Ty will present on new Apple Products tonight.  

June’s meeting on System Preferences and operating systems was moved to September.  June’s meeting will need to be presenting on Big Sur because we will need to be updating.  

Discussion ensued on alternatives for email because of email problems.

A possible iPhone presentation on automation was discussed. There was a Nerd break where much discussion took place.  The rest listened.

A question about ready recordings for quick reference was debated and suggestions made.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:39 PM by John Walker.

April 13th, 2021

John Walker called the meeting to order at 6:11 PM.  

The minutes of prior meeting were moved, seconded, and unanimously approved.

The Treasures report was $371.84 as it has been since we stopped meeting in person.

Richard Milewski will present this evening on Firefox.

May’s meeting will either be System Preferences & Operating systems enhancements, or New Apple Products and new Macs.  Ty asks that we allow him to switch between the two.  In any event, the remaining one will be done in June.

Ty may be gone in July.  So we will need a backup program for that month.

John Walker adjourned the board meeting at 6:39 PM

Donna Pikl,